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Either independently, or in concert with other LAFCOs, LAFCO periodically issues a Request for Proposals (RFP) to qualified accounting/auditing firms. A staff committee evaluates proposals based on established criteria and makes a recommendation for selection of an auditor. Staff’s recommendation is agendized before the Commission, which makes the final decision to select an auditor. The Commission awards multi-year contracts with an auditor, typically for periods of 4-5 years. In 2016, the Commission has issued a new RFP and selected a new auditor.
The Commission adopts annual budgets for LAFCO consistent with the requirements found in Government Code Section 56381. The Commission conducts a noticed public hearing concerning the proposed budget no later than May 1st of each calendar year, and conducts another noticed public hearing to adopt the final budget no later than June 15th of each calendar year. The Commission transmits copies of the draft and final budgets to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, to the city manager of each city in the County, and to the general manager of each independent special district in the County. Copies are also made available online as part of the Commission’s posted agenda for meetings where the Commission takes action on the budget.
Political Reform Act of 1974 (Government Code Section 81000 et seq)
The Political Reform Act is a law of the State of California (Government Code Section 81000 et seq) governs disclosure of economic interests of public officials. All state and local agencies, including LAFCOs, are subject to the Political Reform Act. The Political Reform Act requires annual filings of a “Statement of Economic Interest” for LAFCO Commissioners, managers (Executive Officer and Deputy Executive Officer), and legal counsel. All statements are filed with the State of California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) and are available on the FPPC’s website. (Fair Political Practices Commission).
The FPPC requires state and local government agencies to adopt and promulgate conflict of interest codes on a bi-annual basis. LAFCO’s existing Conflict of Interest Code was reconfirmed on July 5, 2016.
California Environmental Quality Act (California Public Resources Code § 21000 et seq)
The California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) is a law of the State of California (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq) which requires that local agencies identify and consider potential environmental impacts prior to approving a project. Because many LAFCO decisions are subject to CEQA, staff reports for items considered by the Commission include a section addressing CEQA compliance.
Ralph M. Brown Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq)
The Ralph M. Brown Act (“Brown Act”) is a law of the State of California (Government Code Section 54950 et seq) commonly known as the State’s “sunshine” or “open meeting” law. The Brown Act details the requirements to be followed by local public agencies, including LAFCOs, in conducting their public meetings to insure that agendas, staff reports, and related documents are accessible to the public.
Public Records Act: A law (Government Code § 6250 et seq)
The Public Record Act is a law of the State of California (Government Code Section 6250 et seq) which is designed to provide the public with access to information in possession of public agencies. All state and local agencies, including LAFCOs, are subject to the Public Records Act. Subject to certain exceptions, the Public Records Act requires that public agencies provide records upon request. All requests under the Public Records Act should be submitted in writing to the Executive Officer.
Consistent with the Rules of the Commission, adopted on September 9, 2009, LAFCO commissioners (Voting Members and Alternate Members) “shall be paid a per diem of $150 per meeting for attendance at a Commission meeting or a LAFCO-related meeting.” Commissioners also receive reimbursement for expenses such as mileage (as the standard mileage rate for business use of a vehicle established by the IRS), transportation costs, lodging, food, and other expenses incurred attending Commission meetings or approved conferences and seminars.
The Commission’s agenda for each month of the current calendar year is available on the LAFCO website (lalafco.org) and includes the agenda, minutes, and notices (public hearing notices) for each meeting. The website also includes information for Commission meetings in previous years (starting in January of 2002).
The Executive Officer prepares a draft of the minutes for each Commission meeting, which are agendized for Commission review and approval at the next monthly meeting under Consent Items (generally Item “6.a.”) and can be found on the LAFCO website (lalafco.org).
LAFCO staff maintains an “Operating Account Check Register,” which is an on-going accounting of all expenses paid by LAFCO. A “Register Report” of expenses paid in the previous calendar month is agendized under Consent Items (generally Item “6.b.”) on the Commission’s monthly agenda. The Commission’s agenda can be found on the LAFCO website (lalafco.org).
LAFCO staff maintains a listing of all pending proposals (applications) submitted to LAFCO. A “Pending Proposal Update” is agendized under Consent Items (generally Item “6.c”) on the commission’s monthly agenda and can be found on the LAFCO website (lalafco.org).